Services / Diagnostic tests / Diagnostic testing for dry eye

Diagnostic testing for dry eye



Dry Eye Disease (DED) is a multifactorial, increasingly common chronic disorder of the ocular surface that has a major impact on the quality of life. Typical symptoms include discomfort, sandy/gritty sensation, eye fatigue, burning, redness, and impaired vision.

The typical causes of dry eye involve:

  • excessive evaporation of tears, associated with disfunctions of the eyelid margins and Meibomian glands,
  • decreased tear production.

Dry Eye Disease can be an independent disease entity, and then it is usually related to a patient’s lifestyle (staring at a computer screen, air conditioning, smoking, central heating in winter), or it can accompany other conditions, such as inflammatory diseases, allergies, dysfunction of Meibomian glands. DED is also often encountered in patients with endocrine and systemic disorders, as well as in patients with rheumatic and autoimmune diseases. In these cases it can be the result of the  disease itself or a side effect of prescribed medications.

DED is the most common ocular surface disease and it can affect the cornea, making it difficult to obtain correct corneal measurements, which are especially important for patients who are preparing for a cataract and refractive surgery.

It is worth noting that ophthalmologic procedures and surgeries (e.g. a cataract surgery) can aggravate the pre-existing dry eye disease.

What to do when you suffer from Dry Eye Disease (DED)

In our Dry Eye Clinic we use a variety of therapeutic methods.

In addition to symptomatic treatment (e.g. ophthalmic drops, eyelid massages), we use REXON-EYE – an innovative medical device specifically designed for the causal treatment of DED. The therapy is facilitated with EyeFit ophthalmic eyelid compresses.

REXON-EYE dry eye treatment

Rexon-Eye therapy is an excellent treatment for all forms of dry eye, as it is non-invasive and  safe, and, at the same time, it ensures durable results.

It is effective for treating DED caused by Meibomian gland dysfunction, and also works for patients who suffer from DED caused by tear secretion deficiency.

The device produces a low-power high-frequency electric field that stimulates rejuvenation and natural regeneration of cells, thus effectively improving the comfort of patients with dry eye. You can expect to feel the benefits of the treatment immediately after the session.

Treatment of Dry Eye Disease with innovative EyeFit compresses

When treating Dry Eye Disease in Retina, we recommend combining REXON-EYE therapy with application of EyeFit compresses.

EyeFit are professional eye compresses, patented in Poland, invented by the founder of the Retina Ophthalmological Outpatient Clinic and Hospital, an ophthalmologist, dr Piotr Fryczkowski.

His vast experience in working with patients and his desire to find the solution to one of the most common eye problems these days – ‘dry eye’, led dr Fryczkowski to work on the development of EyeFit compresses.

The effectiveness of EyeFit ophthalmic compresses is based on three factors: temperature, hydration and a specially designed herbal blend.

EyeFit compresses contain only substances of natural origin:

  • flax seeds
  • peppermint
  • clary sage
  • green tea

The unique herbal blend used in EyeFit compresses provides the ingredients needed to properly moisturize the skin and eye area. They have anti-inflammatory properties and stimulate better blood flow to the skin and improve cell metabolism. A warm compress also stimulates and regenerates Meibomian glands located in the eyelids.

The use of EyeFit compresses improves the quality of life of patients with DED.

EyeFit ophthalmic compresses are recommended for people:

  • suffering from Dry Eye Disease and Meibomian gland disfunction,
  • with chalazion, stye and demodicosis (to facilitate the main treatment),
  • with bloodshot eyes, who spend a lot of time in front of a screen, work in artificial light and air conditioned rooms.

Important! EyeFit compresses have a beneficial effect on wrinkles and bags under the eyes.


In order to confirm Dry Eye Disease, several tests need to be performed.

At the Retina Ophthalmological Outpatient Clinic and Hospital we offer comprehensive diagnostic tests for DED.

Please bring to your appointment a list of prescribed medications and your medical history. Sometimes dry eye is a complication of a systemic disease or a side effect of prescribed medications.

Testing for DED includes:

  • ophthalmic consultation with biomicroscopy,
  • DED questionnaire,
  • assessment of tear production (Schirmer test),
  • assessment of tear film stability on the surface of the eye after fluorescein staining (tear film break-up test – TBUT),
  • osmolarity test,
  • assessment of corneal epithelial defects (corneal staining with fluorescein),
  • assessment of degenerative changes in the conjunctiva (evaluation of lid-parallel conjunctival folds – LIPCOFs),
  • quantitative and qualitative examination of Meibomian gland secretion and evaluation of Meibomian gland atrophy under a slit lamp.

The complete set of tests for DED takes about 2.5 hours.

What to expect when undergoing REXON-EYE therapy

  •  Terapia składa się zwykle z 4 sesji, po 20 minut każda, odbywanych co tydzień.
  • Leczenie odbywa się przez elektrodę wbudowaną w maskę. Pacjent zakłada ją na zamknięte oczy.
  • Leczenie jest komfortowe, przyjemne i relaksujące dla pacjenta.
  • REXON-EYE to urządzenie opatentowane w Europie z certyfikatem CE od 2016 r.

REXON-EYE therapy - benefits for the patient

Terapia Rexon-Eye z powodzeniem działa na wszystkie postacie zespołu suchego oka, zarówno te spowodowane dysfunkcją gruczołów Meiboma, jak i te wynikające z niedoboru wydzielania łez.

Leczenie przynosi natychmiastowe i długoterminowe korzyści dla pacjentów. 

Zostały one potwierdzone subiektywnymi (kwestionariusz OSDI, zmniejszenie ilości stosowanych kropli typu „sztuczne łzy”, „nawilżacze”) oraz obiektywnymi pomiarami ( poprawa takich parametrów jak: przerwanie filmu łzowego, barwienie rogówki, ilość produkowanych łez).

Skuteczność terapii Rexon-Eye w leczeniu zespołu suchego oka została potwierdzona klinicznie! (Pedrotti E. at all., Br J Ophthalmol 2017.

Properties and composition of EyeFit compresses

The composition of tears is best described by the acronym LAM:

L – lipids, A – aqua, M – mucopolysaccharides

The unique herbal blend used in EyeFit compresses naturally imitates the composition of tears. EyeFit compresses significantly enhance proper hydration of the skin and eye area.

At the same time, most of the ingredients in EyeFit eyelid compresses show anti-inflammatory properties, stimulate better blood flow to the skin and improve cell metabolism.


EyeFit compresses contain only substances of natural origin:

  • Flax seeds

Coating, covering, softening and warming properties. Flax seed oil is used to treat skin irritations, allergies, light burns and ulcers.

  • Peppermint

Antipruritic, local anaesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties. Peppermint inhibits the growth of certain pathogenic bacteria and the development of herpes.

  • Clary sage

Astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-perspirant and antiseptic properties. Sage delays skin ageing and the formation of wrinkles.

  • Green tea

Antiseptic properties. Green tea also reduces inflammation, improves blood flow to the skin, and stimulates cellular metabolism.

  • Fenugreek seeds

Anti-inflammatory, diastolic, anti-allergic properties. Fenugreek stimulates tissue regeneration and activates haemopeosis (i.e. the process of producing blood cells).

  • Euphrasia officinalis

Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties

  • Starch

Absorbs excess moisture from the compress.

Why should eye compresses be warm?

Warming wet compresses are the optimal solution for patients suffering from DED and Meibomian gland dysfunction. The positive effect of temperature on the normalization of eyelid gland functions has been repeatedly demonstrated. We are talking about a temperature slightly higher than our normal body temperature, i.e. around 40 degrees Celsius.

Systematic warming of the eyelids normalizes Meibomian glands and influences regeneration and hydration of the eyelids and, consequently, the eye. It results in improvement in wellbeing in more than 80% of people suffering from dry eye disease.

Must wet compresses always be uncomfortable?

Many patients who ever used tea bag compresses over their sore eyes complain about how inconvenient and burdensome they are. Tea bag compresses cool quickly, do not sit comfortably on the eyelids, and a large amount of liquid drips down the skin. In order to reduce the discomfort associated with excess liquid, one of the ingredients in Eyefit ophthalmic compresses is starch. It retains water in the compress, which improves the comfort of use. Flax seeds and fenugreek seeds help to adjust the compress to the shape of the eyelid. Flax seeds and starch maintain high temperature for a long time, ensuring the compress stays warm for up to 6-8 minutes.