


At the Retina Ophthalmological Outpatient Clinic and Hospital you can make an appointment with a qualified optometrist and contactologist.

An optometrist is an eye care professional trained to prescribe and fit corrective eyeglasses and contact lenses. Optometrists specialize in the correction of refractive errors, such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. They examine the anterior segment of the eye in a slit lamp.

An optometrist may also refer a patient for vision rehabilitation, or, if necessary, he may also refer a patient for further ophthalmic consultation.

A contactologist is an eye care professional trained to apply contact lenses, and to care for people who use this method of correction. During the appointment, they identify the refractive error, evaluate the anterior segment of the eye and, based on a detailed medical history, recommend  and fit the best corrective contact lenses.

A contactologist will teach you how to apply, remove and take the proper care of your contact lenses.

Contact lenses differ in parameters, such as the diameter, base curve value, material and water content, and for this reason they behave differently on each patient’s eye.

It is important to have your lenses fitted by a specialist, in order to avoid possible complications resulting from an ill-fitting lens, and to be able to enjoy the use of this method of correction for a long time.

It is also important that contact lens wearers make regular follow-up visits to check the condition of the eye surface.



At the Retina Ophthalmological Outpatient Clinic and Hospital we diagnose and correct of all refractive errors: myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. We provide myopia monitoring and treatment. We correct presbyopia.

We diagnose, treat and correct disturbances of spatial vision, binocular vision disfunction, strabismus and nystagmus.

During the appointment a qualified optometrist performs a full optometric examination and fits corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses.

The appointment lasts 45-60 minutes and includes:

  • taking a detailed medical history,
  • assessment and measurement of visual functions, such as binocular vision (the cooperation of one eye with the other) and accommodation (the ability to form sharp images of objects located at different distances),
  • autokeratorefractometry with IOP measurement,
  • recommendation and fitting of corrective eyeglasses and/or soft or hard contact lenses (fitting of mini-scleral lenses takes longer – the appointment may last up to 3 hours),
  • providing advice on general condition of the organ of vision.

Types of contact lenses:

Soft contact lenses

Acuvue, Cooper Vision, przeznaczone do korekcji większości wad wzroku. Jest to najczęściej stosowany typ soczewek kontaktowych. Wykonane są z materiałów hydrożelowych lub silikonowo–hydrożelowych. Soczewki miękkie mogą korygować większość wad wzroku. Soczewki miękkie mogą być zarówno jednodniowe, dwutygodniowe, jak i miesięczne.


Mini-scleral lenses

Przeznaczone dla osób z wysokimi wadami wzroku, wysokim astygmatyzmem, stożkiem rogówki, zespołem suchego oka, nieregularnościami powierzchni rogówki. Są to soczewki twarde o dużej średnicy. Dzięki temu, że opierają się na twardówce nie mając styczności z silnie unerwioną rogówką, są bardzo komfortowe dla pacjenta. Przestrzeń między tylną powierzchnią soczewki a rogówką wypełniona jest w trakcie noszenia solą fizjologiczną, dzięki czemu oko jest cały czas nawilżone, co jest szczególnie ważne w przypadku ciężkiego zespołu suchego oka. Są to soczewki roczne.

Orthokeratology lenses

Orthokeratology is a non-surgical method of sight defect correction. It involves fitting a specially designed lens that shapes the cornea during the use to correct refractive errors. Orthokeratology lenses are worn overnight and removed after getting up. These lenses are most often used to correct nearsightedness by flattening the cornea. They are also one of the effective methods of slowing the progression of myopia. The lenses can be worn by both adults and children. The reversibility of the process constitutes an uncontested advantage of such treatment – once the lenses are not used anymore, the cornea will revert to its original shape after some time. Such correction is a perfect solution for people enjoying various types of sports (particularly water sports), those suffering from soft contact lens intolerance and patients with progressive myopia.