Services / Diagnostic tests / Visual Field

Visual Field



Perimetry (visual field test) is one of the basic ophthalmic and neurological examinations. It aims at detecting and locating blind spots in the patient’s visual field. Perimetry is performed in patients with suspected glaucoma, macular diseases, optic neuropathies and neurological disorders.

Computerized perimetry makes it possible to accurately determine and analyze the so-called retinal sensitivity threshold, and map the patent’s central and peripheral visual field.

The results are presented in the form of a graphic map that shows visual field loss, if there is any.

Patients with chronic diseases, such as glaucoma, need to undergo a visual field test at least three times a year.

Modern perimeters make it possible to compare the subsequent results and determine the progression of changes in the optic nerve.


What happens during the visual field test

The test is non-contact and painless. It is performed in an apparatus called a perimeter.

During the examination the patient tries to fix their gaze at a bright central point, which is a fixation target, and signal each noted appearance of other lights by pressing a button. The lights will appear in different places throughout the bowl.  Each eye is tested separately.

Computerized perimetry of both eyes takes about 20-30 minutes.

Attention! Patients who use reading glasses should bring them to the appointment.